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Album: (CD above) Sony Records SRCL-3481, Title: "Perfect Collection 89-96", 16 songs, 1996, Y3000, Songs: 6, performance: 8 |
This album is a collection of her singles from 89-96. I had a little trouble with this album at first. The first 6 or so songs all are variations on the same melody, or very nearly so. It seemed to me that they were too similar. Then the rest of the album has songs which stand out on their own. I found out later that she sometimes deliberately selects songs which are easy to sing, not for her, but for the karaoke fans. Considering there are 16 songs here, a few similar songs certainly doesn't detract from a very fine album.
Fuji-san's voice has a slightly breathy quality to it which adds to its charm, and her vocal range is very wide. Though she doesn't have the precision of a performer like Fuyumi Sakamoto her voice vibrates with a warm sincerity which is all her own. On stage, the warmth of her voice seems contrasted with her serious, pale, fragile, and elegant demeanor. I'm very fond of her songs. She is enormously popular in Japan.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:39:59