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Album: (CD above) Polydor POCH-1526, Title: "Best Collection" (Title appears in English), 12 songs, 1997, Y3000, Songs: 9, performance: 8 |
Kaori Kouzai (At first I was certain her name was Kaori Kousei, or Kaori Kozei - "Kozai" is not the commonest reading of that kanji.) has a fairly Westernized sounding voice, and this is her best album I've heard. The album contains outstandingly great material. There's hardly a song on this disc that I don't love. Furthermore, Kouzai-san sings them with a versatility and precision which sometimes reminds me of the astounding sounds of Fuyumi Sakamoto. Strong lyrical lines are decorated with light touches and change-of-voice transitions of the loveliest type. The sound quality is great too. Enka music like this is something that we Westerners can appreciate quickly... what you might call "accessible". This is one of the albums I'd want to give to a new listener.
Album: Polydor POCH-1249, Title: uncertain., 12 songs, 1993, Y3000 |
Album: Polydor POCH-1755, Title: uncertain. It has a main title, followed by "besto zen kyoku shuu", which means "best complete song collection", 10 songs, 1999, Y3059 |
Here is another album I listen to a lot.
This is her most recent album of the ones I have. I've found that I'm more fond of her earlier albums than her later ones.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:08