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Album: (double CD above) Columbia COCA-13526/13527, Title: "Hi no Sake" ("Fiery Liquor" perhaps?), "Twin Pack", 26 songs, 1996, Y3900 |
This seems to be a collection of songs from out of the past, judging by the sound. But the album gives no clues about the time period over which the songs were first performed. Chances are that this is a complete collection of her best known songs. The first song has a lyric "Hi no sake nomitai yo" ("I want to drink 'sake of fire'") so it qualifies as a drinking song, which is common in Enka. Shimakura-san has a softness to her voice which lends a comforting feel to her songs. On the other hand, she isn't what I'd call "dynamic" in her style. I don't want to rate this album until I'm more familiar with it, since there is a special loveliness in her voice which bears further listening.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:20