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Album: (CD above) Toshiba TOCT-9849, Title: "Best Collection", Songs: 7, performance: 5, 16 songs, 1997, price no longer marked on my copy. |
Kaye Eunsook, as far as I know, is of Korean ancestry, which you might guess by her name. (Korean pronunciation "Gye Eunsug".) In person she sings in a gown, not a kimono, and her songs don't have a lot of the characteristics of Enka, so perhaps she could be described as "near-Enka". However, she always sings in Japanese. Her style is fairly Westernized, and her voice has an immediately recognizable sound to it. She has a good touch with song dynamics and conveys a lot of feeling. In some ways I don't rate her performance as high as others, but on the other hand she has some really great material on this album. Having songs from good songwriters makes a difference. There are a couple of songs which are duets with a male singer, and one where she has a choir backup. All in all, a fine album.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:39:59