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Album: (CD above) Nippon Crown CRCN-40268, Title: "Best 16", 16 songs, 1997, Y3900, Songs: 4, performance: 5 |
Suizenji-san sings an Enka style which sounds a bit "post-war" to me. I can't tell how old these songs really are, but they don't sound like they are from the 90's. Also, she uses rhythm strongly, and in fact, some of her songs sound like rousing marches, almost. Her voice sometimes punches out stressed notes very hard. I found her singing a little hard to get used to, though I really liked two songs on this album.
I get the impression that her songs are meant for sing-along. Notice the fist she holds in the picture on the album. In performance, her songs are more in the style of the "work song", a variety of enka which is seemingly related to work songs done in the country. Such songs were intended to be rousing and energizing.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:26