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Album: (CD above) Toshiba TOCT-9158, Title: "Complete Song Collection" ("Zenkyokushuu"), 16 songs, 1995, Y3000, Songs: 6, Performance: 6 |
Nakamura-san is probably the best-known singer of Enka in what I think is called the "Osaka style". In that style, there seems to be less formality and the voice at times carries a gritty edge to it to emphasize certain lines. The effect is more "gutsy." Mitsuko Nakamura is enormously popular in Japan, but I'm less fond of her style than of the "Tokyo" style. However, I love the arrangements in her music and the sounds of the traditional instruments. I've come to enjoy her songs more as I continue to listen to them.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:14