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Album: King Records KICX-383, Title: Tokusenshuu ("Special Prize Collection"), 16 songs, 1997, Y3000 |
With a strong tie to a "traditional" and romantic sound, Ohtsuki-san has a voice with a wide range and many textures. I'd assumed she was a singer of the past. However, the Enka hit list in Japan credits her with the number one Enka song of 9-14-1999, so she's still singing.
Her voice is amazingly weak. She can hardly project any power or strength at all. She sings like someone who is struck by stage fright. Yet, despite that limitation, she has a fan following. After listening to her, one sees that the thin, frail voice perfectly expresses the timid fragility of womanhood. As a result, she is perfect for this kind of music.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:20