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Album: (CD above) Teichiku Records TECE-29085, Partial title: "Shiawase ___", 16 songs, 1998, Y2900 |
Kawanaga-san sings with a style which makes me think of the Japanese countryside, for no reason I can explain. Her voice has a very accentuated vibrato, and she uses it throughout most of her songs. Unlike Toshimi Tagawa for instance, Miyuki Kawanaga's vibrato always sounds well-balanced to my ear. Still, it may seem a bit much for someone new to Enka, so I would suggest waiting and listening to these albums after becoming more familiar with the Enka style.
Album: Teichiku Records TECA-12605 "Best 2", 7 songs, 1994, Y1200, Songs: 5, Performance: 6 |
Her songs in this album are "typical" Enka songs, and use the most common types of melodies, so there's nothing terribly unique about them. They're all very nice songs though. I wish this album were longer, but at least it was very low cost, the lowest cost album I own.
She has an official web site here:
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:04