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Album: (CD above) Sony SRCL-3234, Partial Title: "Original Collection", 16 songs, 1997, Y3000, Songs: 5, Performance: 7 |
Natsuko Godai's voice is very natural, not forced or contrived, and is very close to what you might expect from a Western vocalist singing light opera. Nowhere is there a harsh note. She expresses a lot of love in her voice. I've seen her often on the TV show "NHK Song Concert" and she is fairly popular. If I had to criticise her songs, I'd say that while she is talented at expressing the beauty of the music, she is less dramatic in doing so. This is no problem of course, if you love her music anyway. This CD is perfect for playing in the background during dinner -- or at Japanese restaurants. I can never find her CD's locally, since they get "grabbed" almost immediately.
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This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:40:00